Tag: web3

[VIP] Orbit: Web3 SaaS Web Template UI Kit

This is an exclusively Web3 & SaaS Web Templates UI Kit, meticulously crafted wi...

[VIP] PayYou: Digital Wallet App UI KIT

This package includes dark and light themes and a fully customized app page temp...

[VIP] Garnet: Creative Figma Template and UI Kit v1.0

A Modern Figma Template for Business, Web3, AI, and Startups. Elevate your onlin...

[VIP] EasyDev: React Redux BS5 Admin & Dashboard Templa...

EasyDev is a modern dashboard template based on React Components and Bootstrap 5...

CryptoKet: Web3 NFT Marketplace Web Application | JS Ma...

NFT Marketplace harnesses the very latest and greatest software technologies to ...

Robex: NFT Market Mobile App UI Template

A non-fungible token is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a bloc...

Design principles for Web 3.0

So everyone and their cat seems to be talking about blockchain. More importantly...

Web3 Trends on the Blockchain

Design UX/UI for decentralised applications. In this article, we will explore so...

[VIP] SuperHi: Crypto + Web 3 for Creatives

Our crypto course shows you how to code websites that interact with the Ethereum...