Tag: courses

[VIP] Pidu: Learning English App UI Kit

This is specifically designed to help you learn English effortlessly. With a wid...

[VIP] Memorisely: A Better Way to Learn UXUI Design Online

Work faster, not longer Smarter UX/UI training. Memorisely is the UX/UI training...

10 Ways Designers Can Make $1–10k+ Per Month with Framer

How to piggyback off Framer’s explosive growth and make money in the progress. I...

Golden age of UX is over?

We’re living in a post-design era. It needs to be said. The UX industry as we kn...

3D Character Creation in Blender

Learn how to develop a unique 3D protagonist, from initial concept to final rend...

[VIP] The Motion Magic: Ultimate Rive Animation Course

The only course you need to master interactive animations with rive.

[VIP] Courses: Courses Dashboard UI KIT

Ditch the design grind and launch your online learning platform with lightning s...

[VIP] Build UI: Framer Motion Recipes

In this course you'll learn Framer Motion from scratch by building six animated ...

[VIP] EdTech: Online Learning Startup Web UI Kit

Web UI Kit for any online learning, edutech startup, academic portal, etc. Onlin...

Awesome Matlab

Massive Resources & Guide For Developers | Beginners To Pro Level. A curated lis...