11 steps to keep Figma clean

We all probably already know how it is to receive a project from someone else. Not everyone works the same way, it’s what makes our field so varied. We need to spend some time focusing on adapting. In this article, I will go over 11 steps that may help you and your teammates in organizing your work in Figma.

Jun 1, 2022 - 22:40
May 25, 2023 - 17:04
 0  199
11 steps to keep Figma clean
Hero Image showing various artboards connected with prototype connectors.

We all probably already know how it is to receive a project from someone else. Not everyone works the same way, it’s what makes our field so varied. We need to spend some time focusing on adapting.

In this article, I will go over 11 steps that may help you and your teammates in organizing your work in Figma.


1. Figma variants

An animation that show how button change states based on a variable like having an icon or not.

Let’s start with a simple one. Figma variants let you create different variants that you may later use. For example a button. We may have different states of a button - primary, secondary with an icon or without an icon.

All of these options can be nested within variants of one component in Figma. Remember to do it each time you see a new variant and also remember to add auto-layout. It will greatly accelerate your work.


2. Thumbnails / Cover Photos

Animation that shows how one of Figma plugins lets you create a thumbnail for Figma in a matter of seconds.

All projects scale at some point. Having a clear cover photo will help you organize your projects within a team. I like to organize projects into design sprints, phases or code names for products. Project covers will help you find what you need at first sight when entering a team space in Figma.

Plugins that may help you:


3. Auto-layout

A screenshot from Figma that shows how Figma elements work using auto layout. By shrinking  the card, the text inside breaks into more lines, the same happens with the background.

Auto-layout gives you access to design responsive layouts without actually designing them. It works like magic and is really close to how real websites are made.

To create auto-layout you first need to have at least two elements in one group and then you can activate this option. After that, you are able to edit paddings and space between objects inside the group. And then you can simply resize the group of elements which could be in a form of a card and that will break down the text. It may be essential if you are working on a system that is used by many different devices from tiny screens of a smartwatch up to huge TV screens.



4. Process description and screen flow

Screenshot that shows artboards from e-commerce projects, the screens are divided into two sections “Browsing the products” and “Finalizing a purchase”. The first horizontal screen flow with key wireframes starts with a short description of the user path.

Screen flow gives everyone involved in the project, a sense of direction. We can simply check the screen flow for a specific use case to know what the user path looks like. I like to create simple paths and keep them horizontal so one path = one horizontal line with key screens.

Each paths may start from a short note or even a presentation where we describe the idea and main goal. This will help you and the whole team know where you are and understand the whole flow, especially in major projects.



5. Proper naming for the artboards

Screenshot that shows artboard with proposed naming ‘Insights-Admin-View’

I have my own naming conventions but I always suggest first asking the rest of the team what would be the best and most understandable way of naming them. I usually start with a basic name of the artboard connected to the task I have. The template is as follows

[Screen_Title] - [User Role] - [State of a screen]



Nothing creative but it shouldn’t be — we are trying to do work here — don’t be lazy!


6. Name your pages!

Screenshot showing Figma pages divided into 5 sections, each starting with illustrated icon ‘emoji’: Final Designs (diamond icon), Prototype (Play button), Moodboards (painting frame), UX Mockups (hammer and wrench), Ice Box (cold face)

Each project in Figma consists of different pages. You can use pages to divide your project into sections. I assure you that will help everyone in the project.


  • Final Designs
  • Prototyp
  • Moodboards
  • UX Mockups
  • Ice box (archive)


7. UX Specification for developers

A screenshot from Figma that shows part of the mockup with a note. On the note, you may see the title, description and important links like the Jira task ID, date of change and who is the creator of a note.

Specification and documents are something that almost no one likes in a Designer’s world but it’s something that may really change the course of a project.

For me, UX documentation is a wireframe with notes that describes what each functional element on a mockup do and how it works. UX documentation also gives context to the product’s lifespan from the initial concept to the current iteration. UX documentation can’t be a forgotten document somewhere in your cabinet.

I’ve seen projects without documentation or with documentation miles long, that no one wanted to read. My best approach was to write descriptive comments right on the artboards in Figma.


Worth reading:


8. Link between projects and pages

A short animation that shows how to A use ‘open link’ option in Figma.

Prototypes may be one of the most important parts of UX designer work. Most people struggle to create usable prototypes because they try to create one huge prototype on one page. Instead of doing that you can link components between different prototypes and projects using the ‘open link’ functionality in Figma. It's not perfect but it works.

Try to divide pages into bigger parts because using this tweak will cause a screen to load again.


9. Notes on team

A screenshot from Figma that show the team description.

Figma gives us the possibility to create a team and then place a short comment on it. I personally love to use it since working as a freelancer and in an agency which is connected to working in various teams. In this description I like to put:

  • Important links,
  • Important roles in the team
  • Additional information that may help other people like timezone or the language we use to communicate in the project.


10. Divide your projects

A screenshot from Figma show projects divided into sprints.

We usually work at the same pace with developers — like sprints or phases. It can really help to have one ‘Main Project’ and then divide the rest of the projects into sprints to be sure we clearly see the history of our work.


11. Create a pitch deck

Hero Image showing various artboards connected with prototype connectors.

As UX Designers we tend to focus on end-users but we should remember who will first see our designs — usually, it’s someone from a business unit. I found out that the best way to speed up communication is to create a pitch deck that you or your colleagues will present to the stakeholders. You can use Figma or a typical tool like Keynote or PowerPoint but for me, the best mix is to use Figma with Pitchdeck presentation studio — a plugin that helps you convert artboards into Keynote or PowerPoint presentation format if needed.

Plugins that may help you:

At the very end, I just have to put Alber Einstein famous quote:

“Genius is making complex ideas simple, not making simple ideas complex.”

I hope that all of us, thanks to those rules or your own rules, will keep our Figma projects and amazing ideas, a bit simpler to understand not only for end-users but also for your colleagues :)

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