Tag: Great

Basis Grotesque Pro

This is a classic, austere and modern Cyrillic sans serif font designed by Antho...

The Ultimate Design Systems Resources List

If you’re new to design systems, read my introductory post or Design Tokens 101 ...

Design Like Apple: Seven Principles For Creating Insane...

Implement the same principles that shaped Apple's approach to design. Apple sees...

Rarity UI Kit

Is a high-quality pack designed for NFT Marketplace. This UI Kit contains tons o...

UX Writing from 0 for beginners: Become a great UX writer

Learn how to write great microcopy and optimal text for online products through ...

[VIP] UX Notion: Learn UX Design in a weekend.

UX Notion includes guides, curated videos, podcasts, tools and templates. This i...

50 Robots to Draw and Paint: Create Fantastic Robot Cha...

The ability to render eye-catching, convincing robots is a vital skill for artis...

Design Principles Behind Great Products

Lately, I needed to come up with some top level principles for the product I’m c...

[VIP] Tailwind CSS From Scratch | Learn By Building Pro...

Build great looking layouts fast and efficiently using Tailwind CSS utility clas...

[VIP] Viz-People: Casual v9

The new generation of cutouts! New light scenarios, a new type of shadows and ne...